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Writer's picture: DIANADIANA

Our version of this famous song is another fusion for Hungarian folk music and Portuguese fado.

I was around 22 when I learned this folk song from a fellow folk dancer from Transylvania - and only lately I realised that the lyrics is almost line-by-line identical to this well-known fado.


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The melody is known as 'Fado Bailado' - it is a traditional fado, meaning that several version exists with several different lyrics. This one was written by Alfredo Duarte and the diva herself, AmĂĄlia Rodrigues - whose adaptation made the song world-famous. The fado first appeared in 1985, on AmĂĄlia's most famous album, which was titled the same.

Since then it has been sung by countless of singer all over the world.

We were sitting in my apartment - me on the carpet, LuĂ­s and HĂ©lder on my sofa - and we created this fusion by weaving a Hungarian and Portuguese melody together. The idea and structural base came from me, LuĂ­s arranged the song and HĂ©lder gave his genius into decorating the whole song into this beauty it became.

Very proud to be able to highlight further with this song: "life is strange" in every languages - and we live the same emotions regardless of borders or nationality.

Original Hungarian song and lyrics:


Kaloszeg, Transylvania

Nem tudja azt senki csak a jĂł Isten

Milyen bĂĄnat nyomja az Ă©n szĂ­vemet

Ha kicsapna tenger lenne belölle

Nagy a vilåg elborítnå örökre.

Ha kicsapna tenger lenne belölle

Nagy a vilåg elborítnå örökre.

Arra kérem én a jó Istenemet

GyĂłgyĂ­tsa meg az Ă©n gyenge szĂ­vemet

Gyógyítsa meg csak még egyszer ha lehet

Ha nem pedig most vegyen el engemet.

Gyógyítsa meg csak még egyszer ha lehet

Ha nem pedig most vegyen el engemet.

Our fusion in Portuguese and Hungarian


Diana Petkovics / Alfredo Duarte / AmĂĄlia Rodrigues

Nem tudja azt senki, csak a JĂłisten,

Hogy milyen bĂĄnat van az Ă©n szĂ­vemben.

||: Ha kicsapna, tenger lenne belƑle,

Nagy a vilåg, elborítnå örökre. :||

Titkon nyĂ­lik, titkon hervad a rĂłzsa,

BĂĄrcsak soha ne szerettelek volna.

||: Jobb lett volna az Ă©n ĂĄrva szĂ­vemnek,

Hagytam volna békét a szerelemnek. :||

Foi por vontade de Deus

Que eu vivo nesta ansiedade

Que todos os ais sĂŁo meus

Que Ă© toda minha saudade

Foi por vontade de Deus

Que estranha forma de vida

Que estå no meu coração

Vive da vida perdida, quem lhe daria o condĂŁo

Que estranha forma de vida

Coração independente

Coração que não comando

Vives perdida entre a gente

Teimosamente sangrando

Coração independente

||: Eu nĂŁo te acompanho mais

Para, deixa de bater

Se nĂŁo sabes aonde vais, porque teimas em correr

Eu nĂŁo te acompanho mais. :||

Our fusion in English translation


Diana Petkovics / Alfredo Duarte / AmĂĄlia Rodrigues

Nobody knows, only God

What sorrow lives in my heart

If it came out, it’d be like the sea

This world would be flooded by it forever

If it came out, it’d be like the sea

This world would be flooded by it forever

The rose opens, the rose withers in secret

I wish I had never loved you

It would have been better for my lonely heart

To leave love alone

It would have been better for my lonely heart

To leave love alone

It was by God’s will

That I live in this anxiety

That all my complaints are mine

And all my longing is mine too

It was by God’s will

What a strange way of living

Has this heart of mine

Living the life, being lost

Who would give it magic power

What a strange way of life

You, independent heart

Heart which I can’t command

You live, being lost amongst the people

Strubbornly bleeding

Independent heart

I will not follow you any more

Stop, quit beating

If you don’t know where you’re going

Why insist on running

I will not follow you any more

It would have been better for my lonely heart

To leave love alone

If you don’t know where you’re going

Why insist on running

I will not follow you any more


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